Still looking for that last minute present? Consider giving a flock of chickens. For $20.00 you can purchase a flock of chickens through HEIFER INTERNATIONAL. A starter flock of 10 to 50 chicks will be given to a family in need somewhere around the world. The flock can help alleviate hunger and poverty in one family. Your chickens can provide the lifesaving gift of food for the children. The sale of eggs can add to the family income, in fact, many families have managed to send their children to school through the sale of eggs. Even chicken compost has its benefits by building up the poor soil.
Contact www.heifer.org/catalog to donate online or call (800-698-2511). I've been donating for years and am impressed by their work. They have received support and testimonials from such noted journalists, actors and politician as Walter Cronkite, Ed Asner, former Presidents Carter and Clinton and former First Lady Barbara Bush.
Under the category of "YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T HAVE," I received two white elephants gifts this year from friends who found cast-off gifts in the back of their cupboards they felt I really should have.

The first is an interesting retro gadget called the Egg Cuber. This device takes a peeled hard-cooked egg and compresses it into a square. Why anyone would want square eggs, I'm not sure, but hey, if the Japanese can sell square watermelons at top yen just think of where square eggs will lead me!

The second special gift is called an Eggstractor. This 8-inch plastic accordion-shaped device peels hard-cooked eggs. Apparently you place a hard-cooked egg in the center of the contraption and press. The egg pops out the bottom completely peeled (or should once you get the hang of it. According to the instructions it will take some practice.....)
Intrigued? You can find the Egg Cuber at http://www.thekitchenstore.com/eggcuber.html for $2.99 or get the vintage model for $19.99 on eBay at http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Egg-Cuber_W0QQitemZ380052028637QQcmdZViewItem.
Get the Eggstractor at http://www.eggstractor.net/ for $14.95 before supplies run out!
Or, make me an offer and I may be willing to re-gift as my friends did!
I'm very impressed with the live-action video of the eggstrator at work on their website! I want to see you do that Janice. (Do you think "wolllllaaaa" means voila?)